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Be Wild #5 - Red deer & Roe deer

"I don't know of any place in the world that evokes so many emotions in me. Any kind of hunting here becomes a kind of dream!" Giulia is hunting for red deer and roe deer in total silence, where the landscapes and colors form the perfect scene.
About BeWilde
Miniseries following Italian Giulia Taboga in a series of hunting situations in her home country Italy as well as on foreign hunts. Giulia is a rifle and shotgun hunter with a pointing dog and a great sense of adventure, so she willingly challenges herself with hunting tasks that are slightly beyond the average.
In other words: a strong young hunter who embraces life and the hunt.

Giulia Taboga

Language: Italian with English subtitles.
Duration: 24 minutes and 04 seconds.
Production year: November 2024.

Rifle hunt Walk’n’Stalk Red deer Roe deer Italy Scotland Europe


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